(This info is from our local paper) "Friday’s lay-off brings the total to 521 jobs lost at Solutia just before the holiday season is set to kick in.
The latest lay-off entails 101 direct Solutia employees and 23 employees who work through contractor Mundy Maintenance and Services." Eddie is employed by Mundy. He's on his way to work now, but we're waiting for the axe to fall. We're not afraid because we have God on our side, a wonderful family & each other.
Thankfully, Matthew isn't a very "needy" child when it comes down to Christmas. He's getting older & only has one true "want" this year, for that we're thankful. Our main wish as a family is to give to others who have 'nothing', so hopefully we can do more of that than anything. Focusing on the true meaning of Christmas will make it all 'ok'!
Please join us in prayer for all the families affected by this lay-off and especially the economy in general.
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